It's Dangerous To Go Alone

Adventure is something we crave. Sometimes we bury our desire for it under piles of paperwork and growing stacks of bills. Sometimes we come dangerously close to ruin because we ignore all else in our pursuit of a new journey, a fresh sight, a plunge into the unknown. It can difficult to balance these extremes.… Continue reading It's Dangerous To Go Alone


[audio:] Crazy nights and weekends are the stuff modern legends are made of. They do things like deprive you of money, give you interesting hickeys, or keep you from posting a regular blog feature on time. Most of the time, though, you at least have the benefit of remembering how you got into a situation… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Hangover

Shameless Filler

If you’re reading this, the location I’m at in New Jersey does not have Internet access, and I’ll be unable to upload my IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! review of The Hangover. If that’s the case, accept my sincere apologies, look for the review tomorrow, and here’s a picture of a kitten.

Increasingly Fine

My friend – maybe it’d be best to call him a “pen pal”? – Chuck Wendig had this to say in regards to the task that must follow the completion of a first draft: Writing is rewriting. A writer’s arsenal of talents are brought to bear on the first draft, but his skills (the things… Continue reading Increasingly Fine

When You're Evil

Russ Pitts’ triumphant return as an Escapist columnist prompted me to finally lay down some thoughts on villainy. A little roleplaying in World of Warcraft on my characters reminded me how much fun it can be to write for or portray a villain. My brother-in-law, when running Dungeons & Dragons is described as “an evil… Continue reading When You're Evil

On Lethargy

This is Lazy Seal. My wife loves Lazy Seal. The entire time we were at Mystic Aquarium this past weekend, that seal didn’t move. It lay on that rock, sunning itself, near cool water if it wanted a swim. It knows a human will be coming around eventually to feed it fish. It doesn’t have… Continue reading On Lethargy

The Elements of Style

I only own one copy of The Elements of Style. Some own quite a few. My copy is about as old as I am, the Third Edition published in 1979. I took it with me this morning instead of my manuscript, just to brush up on writing well as opposed to just writing a good… Continue reading The Elements of Style