Celebrate Relentlessness

This is going to be another one of those posts that’s as much a reminder to myself as it is to anybody else. During my abortive attempt to catch this morning’s train, my iShuffle offered up a song I haven’t heard in a while – KMFDM’s “Megalomaniac.” Even more so now than years ago when… Continue reading Celebrate Relentlessness

Pull The Trigger

Courtesy Terribleminds You have an idea. Something’s been on your mind that you’ve been wanting to express. It’s chased its tail around in your brainpan. It’s yapping and frothing at the mouth. You know what you need to do, but it’s just so cute sometimes to see the idea act this way, especially since you’ve… Continue reading Pull The Trigger

The Real Thing

I think e-readers are cool. I like the idea of not having to cart a bunch of books, even paperback ones, onto a plane where weight is always a factor in how much you can carry and how much of a pain in the ass you’ll be to the people behind you. But it’ll be… Continue reading The Real Thing


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/kickass.mp3] A lot of production companies, investors and even film-makers like to assume that we, as a movie-going audience, are stupid. They think we can’t handle movies with deep characters, complex plots or themes that transcend a work and try to tell us something about ourselves. So more often than not, a movie about giant… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Kick-Ass

Um… I don't get it.

Brace yourselves. There’s something I don’t get regarding Inception. I was able to follow the plot. I understood the characters and their motivations (if most of them are indeed real, which is a matter of some debate). I even followed the logic and rules of dreams as explained within the movie. I don’t get why… Continue reading Um… I don't get it.

Choose Wisely

Dichotomies of personality are fascinating to me. Studying Jungian psychological theory and philosophy could eat up a great deal of my time and probably make my reviews of films like Dark City, Inception and even The Dark Knight more interesting. But I tend to be a lazy slacker, while wanting to do things that require… Continue reading Choose Wisely

Exploring Inspiration

We get inspiration from a variety of places. It might not even be intentional. We catch sight of something, hear a snippet of conversation or music, and suddenly our mind is off on an unexpected tangent. Inspiration runs away with our concentration, laughs at our attempts to focus and taunts us with ideas and dreams… Continue reading Exploring Inspiration

Warcraft RPers: You're Doing It Wrong.

I’ve touched on this briefly in this post and must once again point you fine folks in the direction of Warcraft Sues to give you an idea of what the hell I’m talking about. I’m going to rant a bit, and that means there’ll be some naughty words. Consider the cut below the metaphorical covering… Continue reading Warcraft RPers: You're Doing It Wrong.

Mmm, smells like sunburn.

So… yeah. Just a reminder, kids. If you’re going to expose yourself to the daystar for an extended period of time, especially if you’re near a body of water – like, say, the Delaware River for example – put some sunscreen on. You’re in for a world of pain otherwise. World of pain.