IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! From Paris with Love

[audio:] You should never be afraid to seize an opportunity when it appears. The next big idea that changes your life may come out of somebody else being a dick. You may walk into a room without any intention of meeting somebody new, and the next thing you know you’re taking wedding vows. It’s the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! From Paris with Love

Commit To Your Good Habits

Bad habits. We all have some. Leaving our muddy shoes on when we walk across a carpet. Letting dishes pile up before washing them. Picking scabs, or picking noses. We have good habits, too, but they always seem to fade into the background while bad habits persist, even when we’re not fully aware of executing… Continue reading Commit To Your Good Habits


It’s been some time since I’ve discussed upcoming MMOs other than World of Warcraft. Since then, Star Trek Online revealed itself to be rather dull, other bloggers have gotten into the FFXIV beta, and there hasn’t been anything more said about the Twilight thing. Thank the Maker. So let’s see what developments have come along… Continue reading MMORPG Redux

Readers Can Get Lost

If you have a map to take you from A to B, and B is not where it should be, sometimes you need to follow your nose. This is easier if you have road signs to follow, as one’s nose isn’t always reliable. And if there’s construction going on, well… good luck, pal. This is… Continue reading Readers Can Get Lost

Being Critical

When I cross-posted yesterday’s review on the Escapist, a couple of people pointed out that the card game in that abyssmal movie was grossly misrepresented. Fair enough. Despite the fact that breaking the flow of the game to explain what a card is and does is actually something that happens all the time in actual… Continue reading Being Critical


[audio:] There is a difference, in my mind, between a request and a challenge. A request is somebody asking an artist to do something for a personal reason – they have a particular subject they want exalted, or a pet peeve they’re dying to see run into the ground. A challenge, on the other hand,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie

PT: Unplug, Dammit

I know SEPTA’s got issues. A little inclement weather throws entire train lines out of whack. Engineers desperate to keep on schedule will leave the platform a minute early. Buses plow into eateries. No system is perfect. But I relish my train rides. I don’t pollute, I don’t get bent out of shape over traffic… Continue reading PT: Unplug, Dammit