Movie Review: Red

Seeing Red was admittedly not a choice I’d have made on my own. But my mother recommended it to me. Mom doesn’t see too many action flicks, you see. She has an aversion to rampant bloodshed and casual cluster F-bombs. So going into Red, knowing its premise, seeing MovieBob’s review and able to name pretty… Continue reading Movie Review: Red

Reinventing the Wheel

via The San Francisco Chronicle You’ve heard the turn of phrase before. “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.” Basically it’s an argument that doesn’t necessarily invalidate innovation, but suggests that working within established constraints means less work and a lower investment of time and resources. At the same time, only going with what’s known… Continue reading Reinventing the Wheel

Well, this is embarassing…

Well, crap. This is my own fault. I completely forgot to set up a post for today before I left. Nor did I write any “backup” posts to toss up here in cases like this. So, instead, here’s a picture of Dame Helen Mirren with a machine gun. More on this awesomeness tomorrow, possibly.


[audio:] I am loathe to admit this, but I’ve made it a point in my writing and especially this series not to be disingenuous in my assertions. That’s a good way to get punched in the face. So here it is: I don’t like spook houses. Those standalone buildings in carnivals, fairs and amusement parts… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Pandorum

Real Adventures & Dungeons

A lot of my friends and associates, like myself, enjoy reading, watching or experiencing media in which human beings are placed in mortal danger. We move humans from cover to cover while shooting at other living things. We watch as political scandals unfold. We read about intrepid people delving into the darkness beneath the earth.… Continue reading Real Adventures & Dungeons

Game Review: Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening

This review contains spoilers. Fairly be ye warned. This is a review that’s admittedly been a very long time coming. My experience with Dragon Age: Origins, from my initial enthusiasm to my gripes about bugs and length, is pretty well documented. I picked up the expansion, Awakening in lieu of playing through the base game… Continue reading Game Review: Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening