Habits & Dreams

Some personal stuff related to writing and my life in general follows. Maybe this stuff will be useful to somebody else, and I apologize in advance if you choose to click the spoiler link and find the following text empty, useless or pointless. [spoiler]There are some habits that are good to get rid of. Excessive… Continue reading Habits & Dreams

DLC Review: Lair of the Shadow Broker

The character of Liara T’soni in the original Mass Effect wasn’t an overall fan favorite. Aside from being a source of controversy and leading some phenomenally ignorant people to call the game “a sex simulator”, Liara’s tendency to be both loquacious and seemingly naive could get on people’s nerves, while others (like myself) found her… Continue reading DLC Review: Lair of the Shadow Broker

The Gathering Grows

Art by Kaja Foglio Remember how I mentioned that I’m playing Magic: the Gathering again? I’m not the only one. My niece has taken up the hobby, both of her parents play and my friends in Chesterbrook are trying to nail down a date in December for a Magic night. I’ve blown the dust off… Continue reading The Gathering Grows

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Trapped in Paradise

This week’s IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! brought to you by a generous donation by Mike Jarossy. Thank you for your support! [audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/trapped.mp3] The holiday season is upon us once again. Just today I saw my first snowfall. I caught sight of it while watching Trapped in Paradise, a caper comedy from the 90s. Why was… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Trapped in Paradise

Quit Yer Bitchin'

Today’s a day where people gather around a table with their families and express thanks at good things that have happened, or continue to happen, over the past year. It’s one of those highfalutin’ “tradition” things. But lately there have been a lot less thankful people out there. They don’t seem thankful for much of… Continue reading Quit Yer Bitchin'

Be A Pitch Machine

This is going to be yet another one of those “advice I should follow myself before I dispense it” posts. I, like many other authors, have been rejected far more often than I’ve been accepted. From big publishing houses to small press folks, I’ve heard the word NO at least a dozen times before hearing… Continue reading Be A Pitch Machine

Building New Worlds

The Nentir Vale seems a decent starting area for most Dungeons & Dragons adventures in 4th edition. But it’s only a smaller part of a larger world, most of which is undocumented. In order to expand beyond the Vale, a little groundwork needs to be laid. As I start considering where my current party will… Continue reading Building New Worlds

There Goes That Desert Bus

It’s that time again, folks. The fine Canadian comedians of Loading Ready Run have taken to the road once more. In a manner of speaking. The 4th Annual Desert Bus For Hope, I believe subtitled “A New Hope”, is underway. They’ve already been playing the world’s most boring video game for 9 hours as of… Continue reading There Goes That Desert Bus