When you publish your own work, you have a lot of balls to keep in the air. You have to keep writing, first and foremost, but you also have to keep up the sales work, illicit opinions and reviews, get a feel for how the work is being received, so on and so forth. As… Continue reading Writer Report: Writer At Work
Author: BlueInkAlchemist
The New Mythology
Some of our stories are hundreds or even thousands of years old. Every once in a while, a book or TV series will claim it has an ‘all-new’ story, but in reality most of the plot points and character turns have probably been told before. This is likely not a conscious decision of the writer,… Continue reading The New Mythology
Looking Ahead at Guild Wars 2: Professions
Has it really been almost a year since I last discussed Guild Wars 2? Sheesh, it’s like I’ve been busy or something. But the release of the game is now a mere 20 days away, and I am finding myself a little flummoxed with indecision. Normally, with games such as this, I will have a… Continue reading Looking Ahead at Guild Wars 2: Professions
Book Review: Bait Dog
Courtesy Terribleminds Bait Dog is one of the hardest reads I’ve ever experienced. Not because any of the language was obtuse, mind you: Chuck Wendig, as always, writes smoothly and conversationally. It also wasn’t because there are any plot problems or discordant character moments. It was hard to read because it deals with the ugly… Continue reading Book Review: Bait Dog
Cold Streets: Sneak Preview
In lieu of the usual flash fiction challenge, as Chuck is setting up a rather interesting one for next week, here’s a sneak preview at the opening to Cold Streets, sequel to the novella Cold Iron which is available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for the e-reader of your preference. Enjoy. He probably… Continue reading Cold Streets: Sneak Preview
Live from Chi-town
Just a quick update today, folks. As I tap this into my iPhone, I am on a train heading into Chicago, as part of the festivities intrinsic to the 2012 Loomis/Kelly family reunion. It isn’t quite as fancy as it sounds, but it will definitely be a good time. My family is pretty rad, and… Continue reading Live from Chi-town
Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises
My feelings on Christopher Nolan are well documented. I’ve gone in depth as to why the writer & director has earned my trust. Even his arguably weakest film to date, The Prestige, is interesting to me and overall a good film, even if it’s not quite up to the level of Inception or The Dark… Continue reading Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises
Rogers' Rules
Meet John Rogers. You may know him as the writer for projects like Leverage. He’s also a stand-up comic, video gamer, and dissector of storytelling. In playing Fiasco with Wil Wheaton, he’s conveyed three of the best rules for storytelling I’ve heard since I’ve tried to memorize most if not all of the advice distributed… Continue reading Rogers' Rules
Walking Synergy
I need to stop taking such long pauses between Friday Night Magic bouts. I mean, I can’t help it with the family reunion coming up next week, but if I’m not careful, some of my best cards will rotate out with the advent of Return to Ravnica in October! And we certainly can’t have that.… Continue reading Walking Synergy
Flash Fiction: Payday
For the Terribleminds challenge, Antag/Protag. Got to admit, I enjoyed this one. Flashbulbs crackled in the bank’s lobby. So far the press hadn’t been admitted, which suited Paul just fine. The less they got in his way, the faster he could put together what happened. Witnesses were saying it was two men with handguns who’d… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Payday