A Beginner's Guide to Westeros: The Kingsguard

The Game of Thrones is now showing on HBO. The production and promotion of this series has been fantastic, but not everyone tuning in may be familiar with the series of books upon which it is based. A Song of Ice and Fire, currently spanning four expansive novels, introduced us to the world of Westeros… Continue reading A Beginner's Guide to Westeros: The Kingsguard


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/krull.mp3] This, it was given me to know: that purveyors of the Internet value the reviews and criticism of others especially in mixed media. This, it was also given me to know: there are things we remember from our childhood that will no longer hold their charm as we grow old. But this I cannot… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Krull

The Art of Thor: Build to Attack

You don’t build stuff like this just because it looks cool. There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare. It’s tempting to get ahead of ourselves. It’s why folks rack up debt. In the context of StarCraft 2, though, you may begin to think that what you’re doing in the process of… Continue reading The Art of Thor: Build to Attack

A Beginner's Guide to Westeros: The Night's Watch

The Game of Thrones is now showing on HBO. The production and promotion of this series has been fantastic, but not everyone tuning in may be familiar with the series of books upon which it is based. A Song of Ice and Fire, currently spanning four expansive novels, introduced us to the world of Westeros… Continue reading A Beginner's Guide to Westeros: The Night's Watch

In Memoriam

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana We have the country we have today because people got pissed off enough to fight for it. I discussed the reasoning behind our fight for independence back on our last Independence Day, and I still think this country has a long… Continue reading In Memoriam


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/slater.mp3] The fourth wall is a long-standing term for the concept of separation between an on-screen performance and its audience. Most straight productions act as if the fourth wall is a concrete barrier, entirely encapsulating the fictional world within. Comedies, especially parodies and spoofs, tend to treat the fourth wall with as much irreverence as… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Last Action Hero

Getting Published Sucks

Let’s say you’re a writer. You like, love, need to write. Ideas, characters, plots and events chase each other around in your noodle while you’re collating TPS reports, shoveling coal or telling morons the bleedingly obvious. You want to bring them to life, invite other people into the worlds and lives you create, provide a… Continue reading Getting Published Sucks

An Open Letter to Blizzard Entertainment

*sniff* Dear Blizzard Entertainment, I’ve been a fan of your work since the days of Warcraft 2. I’ve played games in all three of your major IPs and enjoyed every one. I’ve begun playing StarCraft 2 in a competitive sense (even though I suck) and I’ve watched the development of Diablo 3 with interest. However,… Continue reading An Open Letter to Blizzard Entertainment

For Every Virtue, A Vice

Disclaimer: Blue Ink Alchemy in no way endorses or encourages the use of substances such as those described in the following post in excess or in lieu of healthier activities. It is important and responsible to use these or any other substance or activity in moderation to ensure as long and fruitful a life as… Continue reading For Every Virtue, A Vice