A Writerly Rant

“[A] writing career is about putting a bucket on your head and trying to knock down a brick wall. It’s either you or the wall.” ~Chuck Wendig Reality’s a stone-cold bitch. That’s why I mostly write fiction. I identify first and foremost as a writer, not necessarily a programmer or a social media guru or… Continue reading A Writerly Rant

The Art of Thor: The Tortoise and the Hare

The Viking: Fast, smashing anti-air missiles, wide vision area. Great for both offense & defense. The Art of War teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of our enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to recieve our enemy; not on the chance of our enemy’s not attacking, but rather on the fact… Continue reading The Art of Thor: The Tortoise and the Hare

A Beginner's Guide to Westeros: Noble Houses, Part 2

The Game of Thrones is now showing on HBO. The production and promotion of this series has been fantastic, but not everyone tuning in may be familiar with the series of books upon which it is based. A Song of Ice and Fire, currently spanning four expansive novels, introduced us to the world of Westeros… Continue reading A Beginner's Guide to Westeros: Noble Houses, Part 2


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/green_hornet.mp3] Even if you’ve never seen a single one of his films, I’m willing to bet you know who Bruce Lee is. A martial arts master and action movie superstar, he was tragically killed on set in what is technically labelled an accident. His style and presence have informed everything from the main character of… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Green Hornet

The Art of Thor: Ah, The Power of Cheese

“Hmm… that Probe looks suspicious. I better question it. With my gun.” “Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.” This concept will be nothing new for StarCraft players. On a conceptual level, things of this nature have… Continue reading The Art of Thor: Ah, The Power of Cheese

The Crossroads of Art & Technology

Technology really isn’t this scary. Relax. There is an ever-growing crossroads where art and technology meet. As companies develop easier and shinier ways to put smaller and yet more expensive devices in the hands of consumers, the degree to which technology permeates those consumers’ lives grows. That technology not only makes communication and advertisement easier… Continue reading The Crossroads of Art & Technology

Kids These Days & Their Stories

Columnist on WSJ is a jackass! Read all about it! Plenty has already been said about this WSJ article pertaining to young adult fiction. As usual, Chuck has written what we’re all thinking with an extra dose of profanity and buckshot. Instead of adding more fuel to the fire by talking about how wrong this… Continue reading Kids These Days & Their Stories