The Dreaded Hiatus

Don’t worry, the blog probably won’t turn into this. Probably. So The Art of Thor will come back next week, when I’m not so out of practice with StarCraft 2 and am back to my normal schedule of writing on the train and not wasting two hours in the car screaming at douchenozzles driving BMWs… Continue reading The Dreaded Hiatus

Assuming Control

There are things we can’t control, and things we can. For example, we as individuals can’t control the price of gas, the degree to which our water pipes rust or the behavior of elected officials. We can, however, change our commuting patterns & schedule to consume less gas, adjust our behaviors to use less water… Continue reading Assuming Control

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Big Trouble in Little China

[audio:] It may appear at first glance that Big Trouble in Little China is one of those clever, funny deconstructions that film students are always raving about. There are even some moments where someone over-analytical may mistake it for a parody. But John Carpenter’s tongue-in-cheek but straightforward action-adventure is not interested in tearing down the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Big Trouble in Little China

Hooks Hurt

“Peace, however comforting, is stagnation. Conflict, however messy, is life.” – Bob Chipman. Sooner or later, you’re going to run into difficulty. It’s a fact of life. Everything isn’t always hunky-dory. A tire goes flat, a check bounces, a bone gets broken, a job market tanks, a lover cheats, a bill gets skipped, a chore… Continue reading Hooks Hurt


[audio:] We mix things up all the time. Mix some leftover pasta, meat, sauce and veggies together and you get goulash. Throw some tequila and frozen fruit in a blender, and you get margaritas! It’s similar with fiction. Genres mix all the time. Action is mixed with comedy and comedy with romance. You might even… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Killers

The Commander Returns

Just imagine this guy immune to your spells and regenerating all damage. It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about Magic: the Gathering, but recent trips home have pulled me back into what players would call the ‘local meta’ of my family. Here’s a quick recap: Once, they called it Elder Dragon Highlander. It is… Continue reading The Commander Returns