Book Review: Revenge of the Penmonkey

You know those books about writing out there? Novels and Groupies for Dummies? The Idiot’s Guide To Being The Next Stephen King? How I Did It by Stephenie Meyer? That’s amateur hour. Kiddie stuff. On the battlefield of serious writing, where the freelancers struggle every day to make something happen, to feed themselves through words,… Continue reading Book Review: Revenge of the Penmonkey

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Original Text: [spoiler] Joseph Campbell is famous for basically saying that all storytellers are essentially telling the same story. Be it a myth based on the perceptions of the ancient Norse of their weather patterns or the all-caps melodrama and bright, splashy colors of a comic book by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, our stories… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Honor & Blood, VII: Cadmon

Please note: All characters, locations and events are copyright George RR Martin and the events that take place during this game can and will deviate from series canon. The Story So Far:Having delivered the last of the swords charged to him and Victor Luxon, Cadmon Hightower remained in Sunspear when Victor and Maester Chrysander sailed… Continue reading Honor & Blood, VII: Cadmon


Original Text: [spoiler] This is Darth Vader. Right-hand man of the evil Emperor Palpatine, Lord of the Sith, and lately the poster child for the outcry of “They changed it, now it sucks.” While in that case we’re talking about a man somewhat bloated by his own ego ham-handedly forcing things into what were perfectly… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Ringu