Show, Don't Tell

You’re going to see this, a lot, if you’re starting out or struggling as a writer and you get up the gumption to put your work in front of the eyes of another human being. Show, don’t tell. At the most basic level, it means you should always have characters doing things and events happening… Continue reading Show, Don't Tell

Categorized as Writing

Flash Fiction: The Bill

For the the Terribleminds flash fiction challenge, “Bullies and the Bullied“. He’d sought election to do what was best for his home. Supporting this bill meant more rights for the people he represented. On his desk were two envelopes. One, from the lobbyists, was full of cash. The other, from the opposing party’s news network,… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Bill

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Silence of the Lambs

[audio:] At the conclusion of the career of the serial killer known as the Tooth Fairy, Doctor Hannibal Lecter was languishing in Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. It looked for all the world that he was destined to return to his quiet incarceration, sketching and reading while infurating his smarmy overseeing psychiatrist, Dr.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Silence of the Lambs

Crank File: Demon Knight Review

Every now and again, life catches me off-guard. It’s times like these I need to turn to contributions from you, the audience. If you’ve ever read the Opinions section of the local newspaper, or the comments of an article on the Huffington Post, you know that sometimes the readers contribute just as much as the… Continue reading Crank File: Demon Knight Review

A Big Bite of Apple

Courtesy MS Paint Adventures I’ve been fighting this. I haven’t had an Apple product of my own in any place I’ve lived with the exception of a 2nd generation iPod Shuffle I still use for walks. I’ve opted to install Linux on all but my latest laptop. I’ve had moments where I’ve considered purchasing an… Continue reading A Big Bite of Apple

Game Review: Alpha Protocol

One of the things that made Wing Commander such a memorable series of video games for me, beyond the cool spaceships and neat character design, was the branching campaign. You could choose to defend a particular asset for the Confederation, or take the fight right into the Kilrathi’s furry faces; you could completely botch a… Continue reading Game Review: Alpha Protocol

Flash Fiction: David and Victoria

For the Terribleminds flash fiction challenge, Five Words Plus One Vampire. The cockroach scuttled across the insulating layer of dust on the floor. David frowned as he swept his flashlight across the gatehouse interior. The castle had apparently been abandoned for the better part of a century, according to the locals. Nobody seemed to want… Continue reading Flash Fiction: David and Victoria


[audio:] When we last left our dear Doctor Hannibal Lecter, he was completing his tenure at a Parisian medical school while enacting bloody vengeance upon the Nazi war criminals that devoured his sister and his innocence. While he did have run-ins with the law, he did not truly meet an equal or memorable rival the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Red Dragon