Crank File: Cross-Over Comics

Every now and again, life catches me off-guard. It’s times like these I need to turn to contributions from you, the audience. If you’ve ever read the Opinions section of the local newspaper, or the comments of an article on the Huffington Post, you know that sometimes the readers contribute just as much as the… Continue reading Crank File: Cross-Over Comics


[audio:] There’s an old French proverb that tells us “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” Can you just leave it out in the open, though? No, of course not, it will rot and small animals will make off with it if that were the case. Such urges are bottled up, kept deep inside, for… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Oldboy

Learning New ARTS

She’s like a miniature Tank Girl. Moreso than Strongbad, she is ‘tiny Heavy’. I’ve had an interest in strategy games for many a year, from the tabletop war simulations like Squad Leader and Risk to 4X computer games in the style of Civilization and Master of Orion. I’ve made a series of entries on StarCraft… Continue reading Learning New ARTS

Show (Don't Tell) Your Work

Staring the month with a little advice. So NaNoWriMo is beginning and a lot of you out there are taking freshly-sharpened pencils to blank pages. This next month is going to be full of inspiration, frustration, erasures, crossed-out words, broken tips and lots of caffeinated beverages. I wish you the best of luck. Related to… Continue reading Show (Don't Tell) Your Work

Categorized as Writing

Worldbuilding Challenge: The Gods of Blackbloom

Courtesy the excellent xeedee Once a month, instead of flash fiction Chuck calls upon his readers to contribute in a worldbuilding exercise he’s doing. One of the few things we know is: The gods walk among men but are forgotten and unrecognized. Nobody believes in them anymore. Some say the gods are dead; others simply… Continue reading Worldbuilding Challenge: The Gods of Blackbloom


[audio:] After two truly excellent films and a somewhat passable prequel, we come to the fourth and final installment in our look at Hannibal Lecter. Like the other movies based on the novels of Thomas Harris, we’re presented with a charismatic and compelling villainous protagonist, shown dark recesses of the human condition and are at… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Hannibal