Flash Fiction: The Unexplainable Photo Challenge

“Sport.” No response. “Sport.” “Mmmmmf.” Skeeter blinked. He hated it when his best friend acted this way. They’d been show dogs together for years. It was how they’d been raised. Training, grooming, shows, repeat. But lately, the pressure seemed to have been getting to Sport. “Sport, knock it off. The humans are watching.” “Eh? Fuck… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Unexplainable Photo Challenge


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/avengers_98.mp3] When Marvel Comics set out to create an uber-film bringing together Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the Hulk (and SHOULD include the Wasp or Ms Marvel at the very least), there was something standing in their way. It was not the worried, furtive glances of fanboys or the daunting task of condensing decades… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Avengers

Two Cents on SOPA

A lot has already been said about the Stop Online Protection Act, shortened to SOPA because acronyms are easier to remember when you have the attention span of a weevil. Jim Sterling, acerbic and opinionated as he is, pointed out some very real fears about the legislation. Bob Chipman chimed in as well, and as… Continue reading Two Cents on SOPA

Of Nations, Elephants, Skies and Keys

Proof positive that good music still comes from basements. In both bearing down on the end of the year at the dayjob and trying to get myself in motion as a writer, music plays a key role. It evokes imagery, makes me think, gets my blood pumping… sometimes, all three. I’ve tried to branch out… Continue reading Of Nations, Elephants, Skies and Keys


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/scarface.mp3] Tragedies are touchpoints in the course of human history. They’re also cautionary tales, whispering warnings of downfalls to come. From Aeschylus to Shakespeare, it’s a tradition with thousands of years worth of wisdom to teach us through the abrupt ends of others’ lives, especially those who choose to pursue their goals through illegitimate means.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Scarface

The Right Person

One of the concerns I have about my major rewrite is the person. Not the person of the protagonist himself, mind you. He’s (probably) fine. It’s the perspective that bothers me. You see, I wrote Citizen in the Wilds from third-person perspective to avoid pouring myself too much into the protagonist. I may be overly… Continue reading The Right Person