Writer Report: Moving Forward

Cold Streets is a slow burner. By that, I mean it’s taking me a while to really get set on fire over it. I’m working on it, and I like what’s happening so far, I just haven’t carved out a great deal of time lately to put more words in sequence. I have a move… Continue reading Writer Report: Moving Forward

Sympathy, Courtesy, and Taste

There’s a part of me that longs for convention floors. I just love being a part of an inclusive, open-minded crowd gathered in one place for the common enjoyment of a hobby or interest. I’ve been writer’s conferences, anime conventions, and gaming expos, and they all give me this positive, uplifting charge that can last… Continue reading Sympathy, Courtesy, and Taste

Why Izzet?

Ravnica is one of my favorite blocks in Magic: the Gathering‘s history. It provided a flavorful plane with lots of versatile deck ideas and all sorts of interesting guilds based on pairings of colors. So when Return to Ravnica was announced at PAX East, I pretty much lost my face. With the spoilers we’ve been… Continue reading Why Izzet?

Remembering Michael

Another great voice of our time has gone silent. In this case, I mean the voice part literally. I could confidently look forward to any movie featuring Michael Clarke Duncan in the cast. Not only could he deliver Oscar-caliber performances, he could be counted on to be one of two things, if not both, in… Continue reading Remembering Michael

Flash Fiction: The South Ward

Courtesy istaevan For Terribleminds’ Flash Fiction Challenge “Sci-Fi Fantasy Open Swim“: Terrance Palmer wasn’t a field agent. Most of his days were spent in the office, examining the profiles of perpetrators to assist the investigations of braver men than him. However, Agent Burrows had tapped him specifically to ride along to the mental hospital. With… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The South Ward

Tweaking the Masquerade

I’ve had vampires on my mind lately. Between writing the draft of Cold Streets, seeing the season finale of True Blood (that’s another post entirely…) and chatting via Twitter with Justin Achilli, I’ve been wondering how Vampire: the Masquerade might be improved. I don’t see Vampire: the Requiem as an improvement, merely a sequel or… Continue reading Tweaking the Masquerade

The Playing's The Thing

Would Bastion mean as much if we just watched it? I’d like to think that most of the audience of this article is familiar with the television program Whose Line Is It Anyway? be it in its original BBC format or the American version. What makes the show so memorable, funny, and watchable are not… Continue reading The Playing's The Thing

Flash Fiction: The Hallway

Prompted by Terribleminds’ “Another Random Word Challenge”. His opportunity came when the office door opened. She was in a hurry, so he quickly matched her stride. Fortunately, he was twenty years her junior. “Senator, one minute please.” “I’m on my way to the floor, Pete, you better make it quick.” “Lockheed has been on the… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Hallway

Quick Like A Bunny

Today’s post will have to be short and, unfortunately, not very substantial. I have not one, but two projects due today at the dayjob. One has a few hiccups that need to be dealt with before it’s ready for primetime, and the other has but one tickbox remaining on its to-do list but is proving… Continue reading Quick Like A Bunny