Twenty Twelve

So here we are, folks. The calendars have been swapped, the Dramamine passed around, the coffee brewed and we stand now looking at where the sidewalk ends. It’s not like I think there’s any major cataclysm coming at the end of 2012. It’s far more likely that the Mayans simply felt that a couple thousand… Continue reading Twenty Twelve

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

[audio:] The American Dream. We’ve all heard of it. Politicians love to talk about it. People come from distant shores seeking it. All sorts of products promise to give it to you for three easy payments of $99.95 plus shipping and handling. But what is it, really? Has anyone really achieved it? And where do… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

Expansions in the Force

Let’s face an honest truth. The universe George Lucas created back in 1977 is a better place than he originally imagined. With the exception of Empire Strikes Back, which was written & directed by guys that weren’t Lucas, the original trilogy established his galaxy far, far away and populated it with strange aliens, turbulent politics… Continue reading Expansions in the Force


Another season has begun in the universe of StarCraft 2. And where does it find me? Yep. Bottom rung. Nothing’s really changed. Or has it? With the new job settling into a rhythm that I can cope with, I’m starting to plan more and stress less (at least a bit). Into those plans I’m trying… Continue reading Terribronze

This Is Gonna Suck

Artists come in all shapes and sizes. Some paint, some create music, others bring out the statues held captive by blocks of stone and still others start with blank pages to create new worlds and memorable characters. But regardless of the art involved, all artists need to face an unfortunate and ugly truth. Not everything… Continue reading This Is Gonna Suck

Categorized as Writing

Boxing Day

Saint Nick is taking the day off, and so am I. Happy Boxing Day, everyone! Enjoy a little extra time with family and friends if you can.

Holiday Wishes

Saw this floating around Facebook, thought it was worth sharing with everybody. Merry Christmas! Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.