Delicious Humble Pie

Let it not be said that I am unwilling to eat humble pie. Last week I wrote a post about writing what you want, especially if something seems problematic or simply not very good to you. I wasn’t saying to stop writing because it’s hard, as we all from time to time must deal with… Continue reading Delicious Humble Pie

Categorized as Writing

Flash Fiction Challenge: The Present Tense

Another dubious idea prompted by Terribleminds. I’m dreaming of home. I can see endless green and amber fields, feel the grain between my fingers. I hear the distant ringing of the bell bringing us in for dinner. My mother insists on being as old-fashioned as possible, while not skimping on things like transportation and communication.… Continue reading Flash Fiction Challenge: The Present Tense


{No audio this week on account of my own lycanthropic rampage.} There was a time when movie studios didn’t mind being associated with the unusual and the macabre. For years, Universal Studios seemed rather proud of its men becoming monsters. Bela Legosi inhabited the castle and cloak of Count Dracula, Boris Karloff took a couple… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Wolfman

Book Review: Double Dead

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? It’s terrible. You’re bleary-eyed, groggy, sore from where your spouse has been elbowing you in the ribs all night to stop your snoring… and you’re starving. It’s that stomach-gnawing hunger you just can’t shake until you’ve devoured half the pantry. If that sounds familiar, you’ll… Continue reading Book Review: Double Dead

Fedora Felon

You are not, nor will you ever be, Don Draper. Stop it. Guys, listen. It’s time we talked. Before there’s any misunderstandings, I must confess: I love my fedora. I’m on my second one since discovering I can look half-decent in one. My first traveled to all sorts of places on my head, across oceans… Continue reading Fedora Felon

Write What You Want

Let’s keep it simple. Should you finish what you start? Yes. If you’re braining yourself on a wall, should you continue? No. Let’s say you’re me and you’re trying to stay on top of this whole writing thing while about a bazillion other things are going on. Dayjob, domicile maintenance, restocking pantries, getting fresh booze.… Continue reading Write What You Want

Categorized as Writing

Flash Fiction Challenge: Three Random Photos

Courtesy Ye Olde Terribleminds Prompte He’d first caught a glimpse of her true form after two years in the lock-up. They couldn’t fool him. Words like ‘hospital’ and ‘mental ward’ were kindly terms for ‘prison’. He was a prisoner. He couldn’t remember why they kept him here, feeding him chunks of dog food in sewage… Continue reading Flash Fiction Challenge: Three Random Photos


[audio:] Bunraku is a preposterous title for a film, and also slightly pretentious. It refers not to a character or a location, but rather a type of Japanese shadow play, a theatrical production using puppets that tells broad stories based on archetype and fable. It’d be like naming Flash Gordon “Raygun Gothic Adventure with Queen.”… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Bunraku