Up And Coming

Thought I’d change it up from the usual anonymous pen. I’ve mentioned that I, like many writers, have difficulty focusing at times. I know that, in spite of the time occupied by the dayjob, writing must happen. I’ve been ramping up because of several projects I want to complete in the very near future and… Continue reading Up And Coming

Game Review: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

A few months ago I finally got around to reviewing Deus Ex, a RPG-shooter that empowered a player to make choices while being unfortunately hindered by its technology. After a sequel that didn’t go over as well for many reasons, it would be a while before a third installment would come along. With a decade’s… Continue reading Game Review: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Let Go Of Your Hate

Star Wars, as a franchise, is just a bit older than I am. I’ve gone through phases where I’ve loved it dearly and loathed its existence. I’ve appreciated the ability George Lucas had to conceptualize a universe that felt lived in and diverse, and palmed my face at the utterly stupid things he made come… Continue reading Let Go Of Your Hate


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/ghost_rider.mp3] There was a time when superheroes subscribed to a certain template. If the handsome face of the hero’s alter-ego didn’t emerge from the phone booth in brightly-colored tights and a complimentary cape, he simply wouldn’t be welcome at the Superfriends clubhouse. As time went on, it was realized that this sort of pigeon-holing was… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Ghost Rider

First Impressions: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

The environments have some great detail. If you’re even tangentially connected to video games that deviate from the big cash-cow options of linear, realistic first-person shooters and endorsed sports simulations, chances are you’ve heard of a game called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. After all, it isn’t often when a new IP makes it out of… Continue reading First Impressions: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Fan Fiction Is Not Evil

That little piece I wrote yesterday for Chuck’s latest challenge is fan fiction. I’m comfortable with that. I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with fan fiction, per se, and I’ve discussed it in the past. I think there’s something wrong with it, though, when it’s done badly. I know that fan fiction can carry… Continue reading Fan Fiction Is Not Evil

Flash Fiction: The Thraben Witch

Inspired by Magic: The Gathering and prompted by the Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge: One Small Story in Seven Acts Let them call her ‘heretic’ if they wished. She was a witch, no more or less. Thalia and the priesthood were never comfortable with her kind. Humanity, they professed, had no need for the tools of… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Thraben Witch

Master of None

Remember when the Bard class was included with the basic ruleset for Dungeons & Dragons? Those were the days. When you wanted to be pretty good at just about everything without over-specializing in beating up bad guys or attacking the darkness with magic missile, you chose the Bard. The downside to that choice is why… Continue reading Master of None

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! History of the World, Pt 1

[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/history_of_the_world.mp3] Satirists are more important to civilization than you might think. While critics may highlight, underscore or outright assault a work in a mostly straightforward manner, a satirist does so through humor or hyperbole. It’s no wonder that satirists tend to be more popular, even if some periods of history were less tolerant of them… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! History of the World, Pt 1