As much as possible, I support my local comics & gaming store. The perfect combination, as far as I’m concerned, is a little shop in Doylestown called Cyborg One. Now, it’s not necessarily as local to me as, say, Comics & More in the King of Prussia mall, or the Alternate Universes gaming store in… Continue reading Back to the Funny Pages
Author: BlueInkAlchemist
Writers Should Read
Three years ago when I started this thing I posted about breaking writer’s block through reading. It’s been said by people cooler than myself that buying into writer’s block is a mug’s game, so I won’t totally re-create that previous post. I will, however, re-post some of the advice from back then, because it’s still… Continue reading Writers Should Read
Game Review: Tribes: Ascend
You may recall that precisely 104 days ago, I talked a bit about a first-person shooter called Section 8: Prejudice. While I still stand by what I said in that first impressions piece, especially when it comes to those who say the genre is ‘stagnating’ due to FPS games, I must also say I’ve stopped… Continue reading Game Review: Tribes: Ascend
Flash Fiction: Politeness and Respect
For the latest Terribleminds challenge, “Death Is On The Table“. If it weren’t a funeral, it’d probably be the social event of the season. Everybody was there. Little Tommy Scattergun, Nicky the Nose, Harry ‘Houdini’ Lockland, pretty much every cousin or uncle or niece the old Godfather had kept close… …and the woman in the… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Politeness and Respect
And We're Back!
So there was a bit of a billing hiccup with my web host in the middle of PAX East. Inconvenient, to be sure, but I don’t think anything of value was lost. My host, Wizzerdwerks, are relatively cool people and haven’t really given me any problems. And now that the money side is sorted, everything’s… Continue reading And We're Back!
Doing Bad Things at FNM
Haters, etc. I haven’t been playing a great deal of Magic lately, due to various reasons, but I recently returned to Friday Night Magic armed with a new deck. As much as my previous FNM decks seemed interesting to me, neither of them had a great deal of oomph. It was difficult for them to… Continue reading Doing Bad Things at FNM
Savor the Flavor of Rejection
It’s been years since I’ve seen Rocky. I know, as someone who even tangentially identifies as a Philadelphian, I should watch it more often. But I remember Mickey. I remember him training Rocky, talking him up, telling him things about eating lightning and crapping thunder. In pretty much any story involving a fighter, the pep… Continue reading Savor the Flavor of Rejection
Trendy Hate
It’s always interesting to get different perspectives on things. I follow quite a few people on Twitter, and some of them have viewpoints on entertainment or politics that diverge from mine to various degrees. But even when I disagree with them, I don’t unfollow them. My personal feelings towards their opinion does not invalidate it;… Continue reading Trendy Hate
Flash Fiction: Liars
For “A Terrible Lie” over at Terribleminds… He saw the tension of the day wash from her face when he greeted her at the door. “I’m glad you’re home.” She kissed him lightly as she shed her coat. “Get out of the office early?” “Yeah. I got everything together in plenty of time.” “That makes… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Liars
Rewrite Report: Elves & Dwarves
At time of writing, the rewrite of Citizen in the Wilds stands at 50,230 spanning 17 chapters. I’m roughly more than halfway done. In addition to completely reworking the opening so it doesn’t suck, I decided it would behoove me to move some of the folks in the story away from traditional interpretations of fantasy… Continue reading Rewrite Report: Elves & Dwarves