To help out a friend, I wrote the following late last year. You can check out its original appearance in The Guardian Force here. Here’s where I don my old-man hat and shake my cane at you whipper-snappers. When I was growing up, I had two types of toy at my disposal that had nothing… Continue reading Gamer's Block
Author: BlueInkAlchemist
Characters and Relationships
To paraphrase Churchill, I tend to judge a character mostly by the quality of their relationships. The more complex the connection, the more driven the characters involved, the better the story becomes. I’m not just talking about romantic relationships, either. Each of us has a variety of connections to others, ranging from simple acquaintance to… Continue reading Characters and Relationships
Commander 2012
Playing the Commander/EDH format of Magic: the Gathering is always interesting, to me. It’s also somewhat frustrating whenever I run into one of those infinite mana combos, but that’s a personal preference sort of thing. I mean, I used to run a deck built around [mtg_card]Arcanis, the Omnipotent[/mtg_card] combined with [mtg_card]Mind over Matter[/mtg_card] and [mtg_card]Psychosis… Continue reading Commander 2012
Flash Fiction: Burning Uniform
This weeks challenge gave me the title. The sounds of fighting were distant, now. The orders alternated between “tactical withdrawal” and “orderly retreat.” He looked down at his leg again and shook his head. He felt fortunate nothing important had been hit by the bullet. Removing his bayonet from the fire, he took a deep… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Burning Uniform
Rewrite Report: What Was I Doing, Again?
This has been one of those weeks that’s kinda gone off the rails. I mean that strictly in terms of rewriting stuff. I’ve barely touched Cold Iron. I have, instead, blown the dust off of my freelance gaming writing hat. I’m working on two articles, one with a definite home and one I’ll need to… Continue reading Rewrite Report: What Was I Doing, Again?
Hyped Up or Hyped Out?
Another featurette from Ridley Scott’s upcoming sci-fi thriller Prometheus is available for viewing. As excited as I am for the film, and in light of my peculiar adoration of Michael Fassbender, the temptation is to jump all over it and begin salivating. However, I think I’ve reached the saturation point of hype. If I watch… Continue reading Hyped Up or Hyped Out?
Villains Are People Too
I hate Joffrey Baratheon with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Not Jack Gleeson, mind you. I think he’s doing an excellent job with the material. From what I understand, he’s a really nice guy. His character, however, really gets on my nerves. He has no regard for authority outside of his own, his… Continue reading Villains Are People Too
Restoring Avacyn
When it comes to Magic: the Gathering, my primary hangouts in terms of color are blue and white. Blue, because the mind is a powerful tool in general and usually pretty flexible in the game & its planes in particular; and white, because I’m one of those incurable optimists who believes light can triumph over… Continue reading Restoring Avacyn
Flash Fiction: At The Terminal
For the Terribleminds flash fiction challenge, A Traveling Tale. “Do you know why I pulled you over, son?” Travis shook his head. “No, officer, I don’t. I was on cruise control at four miles over the speed limit to keep up with traffic.” “Your registration’s past due. Sticker on your plate says so.” Travis smacked… Continue reading Flash Fiction: At The Terminal
Rewrite Report: Submission Edition
The fantasy novel sits at roughly 100,100 words. As the time approached for Angry Robot to open its doors, I knew I had to make some decisions. The first one was to convince myself that this is not a young adult book. While two of the three main protagonists are in their late teens, a… Continue reading Rewrite Report: Submission Edition