Weekend Update

This weekend was a rough one. I know it’s my own fault for volunteering to work, and on unfamiliar technologies for a larger, high-profile client no less. I managed to complete the task, but I know more changes are coming today so I suspect pressure will still be on for me to perform. On top… Continue reading Weekend Update

The Little Victories

I have some advice. Celebrate the little victories. A good review of your work. A ray of sunshine. A victory in a game you did not expect. Getting the last bit of Nutella out of the jar with your finger. A purring cat. Seeing an adorable woodland creature not get hit by a car. Something… Continue reading The Little Victories

FNM: One More Time

Return to Ravnica is right around the corner. And when it comes, I will be wearing the blue and red of Izzet with pride. I have at least one Standard deck planned, and the guild is looking strong in Limited formats as well. On top of that, I’m planning on dipping my toe into Legacy… Continue reading FNM: One More Time

Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Participating in the Terribleminds Second Game of Aspects. One hundred and fifty years of spaceflight innovation, and it’s still a pain in the ass to get a decent meal. Commander Ellington grumbled softly as he pulled himself towards the galley. He remembered times back home when just a whiff of his mother’s home cooking would… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Uphill Battles

My time management has been pretty borked this week. Things at the dayjob refuse to stay dead, I’m trying to get a moving date set up, and other minor things are messing with my schedule. I’ve been doing what I can to manage my distractions, but this week has seen me failing more than succeeding.… Continue reading Uphill Battles

Writing Weird Worlds

I have an unabashed love for science fiction and fantasy. I grew up on Star Trek (the Next Generation, mostly), and C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia was possibly the first full book series I read start to finish. The ability of a writer to completely transport an audience, be it one reader or a million… Continue reading Writing Weird Worlds

More Writer's Rules

See this? This here is the bearded penmonkey who is, in my mind, the whiskey-soaked Yoda to my whiny Luke Skywalker, the cuss-heavy Stranger to my bumbling Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski, the shouty Elrond to my somewhat smelly Aragorn, Chuck Wendig. He’s going to give you the secret to successful writing. Lean close. You’ll want… Continue reading More Writer's Rules

Flash Fiction: In The Pits

Courtesy the Victorian Store For the Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge, “A Game of Aspects.” His were fitter’s hands. They were meant for securing pipes, connecting cables, moving steam and electricity from one place to another. Hands meant for the labor the upper classes wanted nothing to do with. They relied on hands like his, his… Continue reading Flash Fiction: In The Pits