Cartoons! On the Internet!

Courtesy Cartoon Hangover
You can have one after they cool down.

In lieu of one of my more structured reviews – I’m waiting to hear back on a proposal I made to an associate before I start in on reviewing more books – I thought I’d take the opportunity to turn you fine folks on to some animated gems you might have missed floating around the Internet. Specifically, all of these cartoons are available exclusively on the YouTube channel Cartoon Hangover. For someone like me, who eschews traditional cable TV connections for the Internet to keep costs down and because most of the stuff on cable is either dreadful or not relevant to my interests, this is ideal. It’s fresh new content, it captures my attention, and it both amuses me and makes me think. Let’s take a look.

Bee and PuppyCat

“Strange” and “oddball” are words that could be used to describe Bee and PuppyCat, but for me, the word that comes to mind first is “brilliant.” Bee, having recently lost her job, encounters PuppyCat on a rainy sidewalk. It turns out there’s more to PuppyCat than meets the eye, including his ability to do temp work in alternate dimensions full of unique and dangerous creatures. He takes Bee along with him, which is a good thing: helpful and determined, Bee also takes everything in stride even when it seems absurd or extra-dimensional. Bee has a very strong sense of personality right from the start, and there’s plenty of storytelling threads in just the first episode to justify more of the show. Which we need. Immediately.

Doctor Lollipop

In a way, Doctor Lollipop is the opposite of Bee & PuppyCat. Everything in Doctor Lollipop makes sense, in that it’s set in a fantasy forest filled with fairy tale characters. Talking animals, Little Red Riding Hood, the works. However, this is no ordinary fantasy forest. The forest happens to have a unicorn doctor with the medical expertise to save all sorts of lives. With a fantastic voice cast and plenty of hilarious references, Doctor Lollipop is another show on Cartoon Hangover that needs more episodes produced as soon as possible. It’s very good.

Bravest Warriors

Bravest Warriors is the big kahuna of Cartoon Hangover. Created by Adventure Time’s Pendleton Ward, Bravest Warriors take place in the distant future and centers on four young people, all children of a legendary group of interstellar heroes who have been lost in another dimension. They undertake missions throughout the galaxy, spend time in their invisible hideout, and encounter deadly time loops, space chickens, lava mazes, and fantastic aliens and creatures of all shapes and sizes. Characters have authentic voices, the palate is colorful and intriguing, the universe has a lot of interesting aspects, and the show has Catbug.
You can watch all of these shows at Cartoon Hangover, and I can’t recommend you doing that highly enough.

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