Uphill Battles

Courtesy University of Northern Iowa Comp Sci Dept

My time management has been pretty borked this week.
Things at the dayjob refuse to stay dead, I’m trying to get a moving date set up, and other minor things are messing with my schedule. I’ve been doing what I can to manage my distractions, but this week has seen me failing more than succeeding.
This does happen, more often than I’d like to admit, and I know in the end I’m only hurting my own efforts. But it isn’t the end of the world, and right now I’m doing my best to remind myself of that.
Even if I continue to get bandied about by a short attention span, I can make next week better. Get out more. Do more exercise. Write blog posts in advance. That sort of thing.
Meantime, be excellent to one another. I’ll be over here, quietly doing my best to not freak out.

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