Giving Thanks

Courtesy Interplay

This is just a quick list of things for which I’m giving thanks this year.

  • I’m employed by a good company with great coworkers, decent pay and actual benefits.
  • I have a place of my own to live in even if it gets a bit cramped sometimes.
  • My wife continues to put up with me, despite my failings, shortcomings, frivolity, selfishness and brain farts.
  • I still have the determination to write, even if it’s just a blog post like this one, every day, until I get better and/or get published.
  • I’m healthy, sane (relatively speaking) and more stable now than any previous time in my adult life.
  • I have a ton of kickass games.
  • My family continues to show me what it means to love, to support, to encourage and to never, ever give up.
  • I’ve made fantastic friends with lovely, smart and talented people, even if some of them I’ve never met face to face.
  • I still have my faith, hope and love in spite of everything this world has done to try and dissuade me from holding on to them.
  • I also still have my looks.

I hope wherever you are and whomever you’re with, you enjoy today and remember to give thanks, even for the little things.

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